Wednesday, June 13, 2007

La Travelling

A short vacation while accompanying my wife on one of her business trips is just what I needed. I quite like Los Angeles - not enough to want to stay here, San Diego and San Francisco top my list of favorite cities in California.

Anyway we are in a New Age-type hotel (which would explain the variety massages offered (Swedish, Hot Stone, Aromatherapy), as well as this pedicure : "Chocolate Pedicure - ..smoothed with natural coffee grounds...application of our Belgian Chocolate Body Whip" ) - the mind boggles. Aside from that this is the first hotel I've been in with a wide-screen LCD TV. I assume it is HDTV. I watched about half an hour of the retouched first "Star Wars" movie on it.

What always amazes me about LA is the traffic. The sound insulation in this hotel is okay - there is a fair amount of slightly muted traffic noise, although it is really loud out on the balcony. Otherwise I love the low humidity. It reminds me a lot of Johannesburg, along with the hills and haze.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hiya ouboet, hoep dit gaan goed met jou. Glad you switched - now I can leave comments! Let you know when I get a blog (still thinking about it).